It's been a busy few days since I last posted, Thursday I sawed up some old pallets ready for chopping into kindling, a by- product of which was the 'noggins' that act as spacers, they burn really well & last for a few hours so long as you don't mind a fishy aroma ( think it must be the glue)
Friday I chopped some of the sawn wood into kindling but my progress was a bit hampered by the bruised ribs I had acquired the previous evening when I took a tumble & landed on the sofa arm (hard wood, not nice soft upholstery!) & I had to eventually admit defeat as just too sore. But the kindling box is full giving us plenty to be going on with.
Whilst on the subject of fires, I had a bit of a flash of inspiration the other day. I have been wondering how I was going to deal with hot ash once I am able to keep the fire in 24/7. I had been considering a
Tippy although they seem quite expensive then I looked again at the box I bought for kindling on my last visit to Ikea,

it's a rectangular metal box with a lid & handles, measures about 10" high by 14" wide & cost around £6, ideal I think for hot ash. So the kindling is now in a plastic box & the 'Ikea' box awaits for the morning when I have successfully kept the fire in all night !
Saturday was Hull Fair day. When we lived in Hull the fair was just a few minutes walk away & it became a bit of a family tradition that we met up at ours for tea then went onto the fair. As 2 out of 3 of my children (& grandchildren) live away it was one of the few times when we all got together & the grandchildren love seeing each other.
This year we met up at Rob's ( who does still live in Hull) & were able to meet the newest member of the family, Billy, an English Springer puppy & absolutely gorgeous!


So tiring being the centre of attention!

Then it was on to the fair & a good time had by all

A chance to get a family pic, though the Manchester branch were missing.
Sunday was the boat jumble at Snaith so dragging Phil & Gina (nb New Directions) with us we went in search of bargains. The weather was glorious making it a pleasure whilst we rummaged about - well Phil & I did - Mark & Gina not being much into rummaging. I got a few bits & bobs - some non-slip treads for the back deck, a syphon to reduce the water in the radiator so as to add some antifreeze & a crowbar - always useful!
We also were keen to look at some generators as although we solved the problem of batteries not charging we feel it is a good idea to have some backup. I had seen the 'Kipor' suitcase gennys on Ebay & wanted to see one(& hear one) in the flesh, as it were.
We found a stall selling them & had a demo of the 2600 model - which quite impressed us so we have now ordered one off Ebay ( much cheaper than the one at the boat jumble!) although they are currently out of stock, delivery in 3 weeks - so watch this space.
The Ecofan I had ordered arrived yesterday & is spinning away as I type, hopefully when the cold weather sets in it will help warm all the boat not just the saloon.
Ooops !! I have just inadvertantly given Poppy her 1st ducking! Whilst typing I heard her (3 bells on her collar) coming along the gunwhale so went to open the side hatch to let her in as usual but didn't realise that she was on the otherside so in she went. I shot out with the big net but she managed to climb out onto a tyre & then ran off into the hedge so I've been standing there, towel in hand for the last 10 mins but she refused to come out then just as I was feeling my guiltiest she came out with something small & hairy she'd just caught so I reckon she can't be that bothered!
She has just come in for food & a warm so think all is well. Phew.....

One soggy cat